schematically represent the process of wastewater treatment
1. Physical Process (Screening) :
The bar screens first remove the large rubbish objects like rags, sticks, cans, polybags, napkins, sanitary towels, etc., from the wastewater.After passing through the bar screen, wastewater is taken to a tank called grit and sand removal tanks. In this, sand and grit settle down slowly at the bottom of the tank as water passes slowly through this tank. The settled sand and impurities are removed from the tanks from time to time.
2. Biological Process :
The first sedimentation tank is sloped towards the centre. Solid like faeces settle at the bottom and is called sludge which is removed by a scraper. Oils and grease float at the surface of the water are removed by a skimmer. The biogas produced (by anaerobic bacteria) in the process can be used as fuel or can be used to produce electricity. Here, water gets cleared of rubbage, oil, grease, etc and we get clarified water which is sent to aeration tank now. In the aeration tank, the watery waste already contains bacteria (aerobic) in it. The compressed air bubbles are passed through this waste to provide 02 to the bacteria to increase bacterial activity which ultimately digests human waste, food waste, soaps and other unwanted and harmful matter still remaining in the wastewater leaving behind fairly pure water.
3. Chemical Process :
The water after aeration tank is allowed to stand in a second sedimentation tank. Here, the microbes present get settled at the bottom at the tank in the form of activated sludge which is about 97% water. At this stage, water has very low level of organic matter suspended matter and does not contain many harmful things. It is safe for human consumption but is disinfected by chlorine or ozone before distributing it.
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Hope it helps :)