English, asked by ravindra5441, 11 months ago

school new building inogretion speech


Answered by gyana143

The Minister for Education,
The President of the ( ) and officials,
Representatives of the (...…...)
Representatives of the (.............)
The School Management Committee,
The Head Teacher and Staff,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Boys and Girls,

A very good morning to you all.

I’m delighted to be here this morning to open this magnificent addition to the (school name) a new eight-classroom block to provide a better learning environment for the children at this wonderful institution.

For anyone who doubts that the future of education in Fiji is one of students of every background coming together as one, I would like them to come to this school.

I have to say that whatever certain politicians think, I have yet to meet a single young Fijian who doesn’t believe that the future of our nation is one of unity. Because our young people know more than anyone that only by working together as one team can our beloved Fiji ever reach its full potential.

I am also convinced that ordinary people are not as consumed with our ethnic differences as some of the politicians who claim to represent their interests.

Yesterday, I listened to an I’Taukei radio program called “Vakariba Malala” that was a talk-back discussion on the Government’s plans to open up more boarding places in Government schools to students from rural and maritime areas.

The Opposition has chosen to cast this initiative as a threat to the i’Taukei culture and way of life. But not once in the hour-long talk back discussion did anyone mention ethnicity. And every speaker supported the Government’s position.

I wish the Leader of Opposition had been listening to this program, just as I wish she’d listen a lot more to the indigenous grassroots like I do on a whole range of issues. 
Because she would soon realise that her own narrow-minded and bigoted views are not shared by the vast majority of i’Taukei, who want a fair go for every Fijian.

My Fellow Fijians,

I am always inspired when I visit the nation’s primary schools and see the shining faces of our children - the future of our nation and on whom our hopes to build a better nation depend.

Working with organisations like the Fiji Muslim League, my Government’s first priority above all others is to improve educational opportunities for our children. Both for their fulfilment and to fulfil our vision of Fiji becoming a clever country in which everyone can share in a prosperous and happy future.

Today I want to thank the Muslim League and the Islamic Development Bank for their generosity in providing this investment of $670,000 towards the futures of our children in Nasinu.

Fiji’s Muslims may be relatively few in number- around 4.5 per cent of the population- but they are at the forefront of our education revolution.

And it is wonderful to see so many children of different faiths benefiting from the opportunities the Muslim community is providing to improve the education and improve the lives of everyone.

At a time when certain others in public life seem more concerned with attacking our concept of one nation - with justice and fairness for all - schools like this are holding up a lantern of inclusiveness and hope. They are beacons of unity, of Fijians working together as one people for the benefit of everyone, no matter who we are or where we come from.

I pledge before you all today that as Prime Minister I will never yield to the forces of division, those among us more concerned with the privileges of the elite than the advancement of ordinary Fijians. And I am sure that the overwhelming majority of Fijians stand beside me .

My fellow Fijians,

There was only one tap to supply water to the entire school, which had a roll of 91 students. There were 47 boys and 44 girls. So we know that even five decades ago, the Muslim community in Fiji was giving equal opportunity of education to boys and girls and that tradition continues to this day.

It’s wonderful to see how much things have changed over those five decades – both for the school and the surrounding area from which it draws its students.

here, I want to repeat what I say all over Fiji: work as hard as you can to take advantage of the benefits this Government is giving you - free schooling both here and when you go to high school. And scholarships and student loans to encourage you to go on to university or a technical college and learn the skills you need to get a well-paid, satisfying job.

To the Year One students in particular who are benefiting from our Free Milk and Free Weet-Bix Programme: drink up, eat up, and use this breakfast we are giving you every school day to grow big and strong and lay the foundation for a healthy life.

Thank you again for the wonderful welcome you have given me and I now have great pleasure in declaring these new classrooms at the (school name) open.
very long essay....
I think I deserve a thanks and add in brain list
add me in brain list
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