English, asked by Rahil000123, 1 year ago



Answered by pallupradhan162
Development, whether it is human development or country development, is linked to the proper growth and development of the technology in many ways. Technological advancement happens when there become new inventions in the science by highly skilled and professional scientists. We can say that technology, science and development are equally proportional to each other. Development in the science and technology is very necessary for the people of any nation to go hand in hand together by the people of other countries. Development of the science and technology depends on the analysis and proper understanding of facts. Development of technology depends on the way of application of various scientific knowledge in right direction.

In order to enhance the economy and betterment of the people of any nation, up-to-date knowledge, technology, science, and engineering are the fundamental requisites. A nation can be backward and the chances of being developed country become minimal in the lack of science and technology.

I hope it will help you :-)
Answered by TheRuhanikaDhawan
science and future 
science is one of the greatest gifts of man kind and it is one of the most important factor for humans without which leading life is almost impossible as we require science for every job we do  .

Science is present everywhere and in all the work that we do requires science and we can say that there is no future without science as we need many things to make our life ease like for example electricity , vehicles etc all of them have being discovered of invented with the help of science

Science has also many disadvantages also sometimes we use sciences for illegal purposes and with the help of science we have discovered nuclear bombs which will harm the environment and even the vehicles that we use emit lot of smoke and causes damage to our environment and will finally lead to global warming

We can call science as an necessary evil as it is necessary to us and it also has some bad side too but if it use it efficiently we can over come those disadvantages of science as we require science for everything even our future generation requires the help of science 

Science helps us to discover many thing , many medicines which can cure many types of diseases even our indian system of medicines cure many diseases but is there is attack of a new variety of disease in which we dont have any cure science will help us by discovering a new chemical which can cure that disease and the cure will be at a faster rate and we have also found the origin of life with help of science

Science is very important we require science in every field and there is no future without science and we cant imagine our life without science as science is present everywhere even for walking we take the help of science hence we  can conclude by saying that science is an necessary evil and there is no future without science
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