Science, asked by bhukta58, 5 months ago


1. Average human brain contains ___% water.
2. HCl + HNO3=_____
3. 18 degree = ___ radian
4. Einstein is famous for theory of ____.
5. What's Projectile ?
6. What's canal rays ?
7. Rydbergs constant- ___
8. No. of moons of Uranus -
9. Is gravity a wave or particle m
10 .
very difficult
God or Science



Answered by kervipatel


god is the best because I believe in god

Answered by SampannSingh


1. 73 %

2. 3 HCl (aq) + HNO3 (aq) → NOCl (g) + Cl2 (g) + 2 H2O (l)

3. 0.314 radian

4. general relativity (an explanation of gravity), and the photoelectric effect.

5. A projectile is any object thrown by the exertion of a force. It can also be defined as an object launched into the space and allowed to move free under the influence of gravity and air resistance.

6. canal rays are radiations which are positively charged and was the key in the discovery of proton, another positively charged subatomic particle. its is also known as anode rays. its was invented by E. Goldstein in the year 1886.

7. Symbol for heavy atoms or for hydrogen,named after the swedish physicst, JOHANNES RYDBERG.

8. 27 MOONS

9. Gravity is a force. For all other forces that we are aware of (electromagnetic force, weak decay force, strong nuclear force) we have identified particles that transmit the forces at a quantum level. In quantum theory, each particle acts both as a particle AND a wave. This is called duality.

10. Hare Krishna,Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,

Hare Rama Hare Rama,

Rama Rama Hare Hare.

Purports that,if you have to find Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Krishna is the greatest, and the Above-mentioned shlok,or

Krishna Mahamantra name sankirtan is also the Greatest in this wretched Kaliyuga where everyone around you is hungry to have their controls over You.

“First there was the word, and the word was God,” thus apake Bible. The phrase outlines the need of word that came out of the mouth of Godhead Lord Sri Krishna,is godly too. So undoubtedly,first came supreme personality of godhead and then later on spiritual science,through naam sankirtan. Then came all the Vedic sages,scholars of vedic period who expounded furthermore in Godhead literature.Srimad Bhagwad Gita is 6000 BC,that's even before Jesus Christ was born.Let me tell you that Lord Krishna out of his message to humanity's development came as a merciful Avatar or rebirthing as Lord Jesus Christ,thats why Christians call him their Supreme Lord.But that was 3000 years ago. In the times People's scholar's like Einstein contributed to sciences.

Definitely,then all arguments gave rise to the modern day sciences,lab experiences or research testings furthermore added to the modern sciences knowledge.

God is first and Science next in everything created by our creator Sri Brahma,so say the ancient Vedic Scriptures.

Now I have come here,and you don't understand me.Thats the pitiful state of Kaliyuga.Therefore,the Name sankirtan of Harr Krishna Mahamantra shall deliver all the pious souls to Goloka Vrindavan,thats my promise to all you devotees,and I never fail to delivering,for I am Srila Abhyuthana SANJAY Margadarshan,or shower of Godhead.

The quiz was quite easy .....

please mark me as Brainliest.........

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