( Sea Water can be classified as homogeneous as well as heterogeneous
mixture. Comment.
(i) Smoke and fog both are aerosols. In what way are they different?
(ii) 12 grams of potassium sulphate dissolves 75 grams of water at 60°C.
What is its solubility in water at that temperature?
Carbon and oxygen combine in a ratio of 3:8. Compute the mass of
oxygen gas that would be required to react completely with 6g carbon.
Which law of chemical combination will govern your answer?
(ii) Define atoms.
(i)Iron powder and sulphur powder were mixed together and divided into
two parts A and B. When part A was heated strongly over a burner, then a
substance C was formed. The Part B was howeve anotheted at all. When
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hydrochloric acid was added to substance, then Was evolved and
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Very long question Wow
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