Math, asked by drsureshmahendra, 1 year ago

sec 0 +1
V sec 0-1
= cot 0 + cosece​


Answered by pari2141

h7.19 VALUES OF TRIGONOMETRİC FUNCTIONS AT SUMS OR DFFERENCE OF ANGLES EXERCISE 7.1 LEVEL-1 A-4 and cos B- , where 0 < A, B . find the values of the following: 13 (ii) cos(A+B) (iii) sin (A-B) 2. (a) lfsin A·2 and sin B-4 , where x </: π and0c B < ) sin (A B) (iv) cos (A-B) , find the followin (ii) cos (A+ B (1) sin (4 +B) t) sin A- 1, where A and B both le n second quadrant,find the value of sin (A t B) INCERT . Ifcors A。一2, and os 8-5, where π«A<3x and 2<b<2n, find the following: 4. Iftan A-3, cos B-41, where π < A<3xand 0 < B <프,find tan (A + B). s lf ein A-1, or, B213 , where 2 < A < π and 3: < B < 2, find tan (A-B). 6. lisin A-1, dos B--', where , <Acπ and 0 < B < π ' find the following : (ii) cos (A + (i) tan (A+B) (ii) tan (A-B) 7. Evaluate the following (ii) cos 47 cos 13 - sin 47 sin 13 (iv) cos 80 cos 20+ sin 80° sin 20 (i) sin78° cos 18"-cos 78° sin 18" (iii) sin 36° cos 9° + cos 36" sin 9。 and cot B 2, where A lies in the second quadrant and B in the third quadrant, find the values of the following (iii) (i) sin (A +B) (ii) cos (A + B) 9. Prove that: cos 12 + cos 12-sin 12 tan A -tan B tan (A+ B) 10. Prove that: tan 4 + tan B sin (A -B) 11. Prove that: cos 11° + sin 11° cos 11°-sin 11 cos 8。.. sin 80= tan 37。 cos 9° +sin 9° = tan 54° cos 90-sin 9。 (ii) so in so 37 12. Prove that: (iii) sin/3x-5las/프+5.cos(3x-5|sinl2.5|-1 13. Prove that: tan 69+ tan




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