English, asked by vikramsambyal68, 4 months ago

Read the wing passage and answer the questions belowin complete sentences
Education is vital to the future of India, because it is the most important element in
converting our youthful population into a national asset. We have 540 million
Indians under the age of 23, if they are educated and trained properly to take
advantage of all the 21st century India can offer them they will constitute a
demographie dividend that will endow India with a productive workforce for the
next three decades, while the rest of the world is ageing. Education is of course
indispensable in the social transformation of our country and in building a just and
equitable society here
India has a younger population not only in comparison to advanced economies bu
also in relation to the large developing countries. As a result, the labour force in
India is expected to increase by 32 per cent over the next 20 years, while it wil
decline by 40 per cent in industrialised countries and by nearly 5.0 per cent i
China. This demographie dividend can add immeasurably to our growth potentia
provided to conditions are fulfilled. First, higher levels of health, education an
skill development must be achieved. Second, an environment must be created
which the economy not only grows rapidly, but also enhances good qualit
employment and livelihood opportunities to meet the needs and aspirations of th
educated youth
The three important pillars of higher education are Access, Equity and Quality
have rightly focused on universal access to education, in a country which at the tir



Answered by mpandit910


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