English, asked by nutandjha89, 1 year ago

Selling tabacco should be band​


Answered by RupeshRoyal


yes it's a bad thing to make the environment diryu

Answered by puneetgoyal12


Using Tobacco Can Lead to Major Illness

Cancer is just one of the many sicknesses that tobacco products can bring into your life. If you’re a smoker, you can potentially get lung cancer. If you use chewing tobacco or snuff, it can lead to mouth or esophageal cancer. Along with these life threatening diseases, tobacco use can also lead to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), high blood pressure, and premature heart attacks. Tobacco and the carcinogens that come along with the product can lead to many health problems in the future.

Gum Disease is a Real Possibility

Whether you smoke or use the chewing kind of tobacco, it can lead to gum disease. Either of these products go in or through the mouth. That means that your gums and teeth take the brunt force of the bad from the products. It can also lead to stained teeth. While this one isn’t a specific concern for your health, it can lead to a poor self image and diminished mental health.

Dry and Damaged Skin

Tobacco can also take a toll on your skin. Basically, it dries you out and promotes premature wrinkles, age spots, and cracks. The only cure? You have to stop. Moisturizer and creams can only go so far when you’re pouring so much bad into your body in the form of tobacco products.


Obviously, the nicotine in tobacco products makes it highly addictive. This means that once you start, it’s extremely difficult to stop. This can lead to the above mentioned health problems, but can also add to the stress that you already have. The stress of health problems or the stress of quitting can really make tobacco a problem that puts a lot of strain on your mind and body.

If you use tobacco, it’s not too late to give it up! Find a partner, see a doctor, or use a product to help you give up the product for good. Tobacco can only bring harm to your life, so quit now and save your health in the future.

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