Biology, asked by koshalram7197, 1 year ago

Seminar for life cycle of a silk worm


Answered by jeeva7373


Definition :

Bombyx mori, the domestic silkmoth, is an insect from the moth family Bombycidae. It is the closest relative of Bombyx mandarina, the wild silkmoth. The silkworm is the larva or caterpillar of a silkmoth. It is an economically important insect, being a primary producer of silk

Scientific classification :

Kingdom: Animalia






Species:B. mori

procedure :

The total life-cycle of a Silkworm ranges from 6-8 weeks. Generally, the warmer the weather, the quicker the Silkworm will complete its life-cycle, however, other factors such as humidity and exposure to sunlight are also very important.

Ideally, Silkworms will experience 12 hours of sunlight, and 12 hours of darkness per day, a temperature of 23-28 degrees Celsius, as well as humidity levels of 85-90%. Under these conditions, your eggs should hatch in a period of 7-10 days.

However, it is very hard to achieve these conditions without an incubator, and it is common practise to just make do with the weather in the area in which you live, in fact, here at Everything Silkworms, we do not even use incubators, as they just aren’t practical!

life time:

Eggs 10-25 days

Lava and worms 20-33 days

Pupa 10-14 days

Moth 5-10 days

uses :

Silk. Manufacturers use silkworms' cocoons to produce silk. ...

Scientific Study. Scientists use silkworms in the study of pheromones, hormones, brain structure and physiology. ...

Food and Medicine. Members of some cultures eat the silkworm pup

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