Math, asked by joyrubioyam, 2 months ago

separated by plus or minus sign.
A. Term c. Constants
B. Variable D. Coefficients

Pls help me, I will mark you as brainliest.. ​


Answered by jainnikansh106


In an algebraic expression, terms are the elements separated by the plus or minus signs. This example has four terms, 3x2, 2y, 7xy, and 5. Terms may consist of variables and coefficients, or constants. In algebraic expressions, letters represent variables.

Answered by paramcomforchowdhury

Terms are separated by plus or minus sign.

constants can be separated by plus minus multiplication or division sign. like 4+3, 4×3,4÷2or 4-2 etc.. variables are also same.

coefficient can't be the answer as it is not separated by plus or minus sign. a constant before a variable is called coefficient. in 7xy 7 is the coefficient of xy.

terms are separated by plus or minus sign only. e.g. 7xy +3wx or 5rt-1pq . it can't be separated by multiplication or division sign as it will become a turm itself. e.g. 7xy×2x = 14x²y it is a term itself. for division also 14xy÷2x = 7y ,a term itself.

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