India Languages, asked by charanmbs381, 1 year ago

शिक्षायाः महत्वं सर्वेषां एवं विदितम्। शिक्षामन्तरेण न केषामपि सत्कार्यप्रवृत्तिः सम्भवति। जनः
कर्तव्याकर्तव्ययो विवेकं कर्तुं शिक्षया एव समर्थो भवति। शिक्षा विना जनोऽन्धवत् एव कार्येषु प्रवर्तते। शिक्षाविहीनो
मूर्खः नाद्रियते लोकैः। धनार्जनाय न क्षमते कुटुम्बभरणाय स्वोदरदरीपूर्तये वा। शिक्षाविहीन: नर: पशुतुल्यो भवति।
वस्तुतः मनुष्यस्य जीवनं शिक्षा विना निरर्थकमेव अस्ति। मनुष्यस्य शोभा तु शिक्षया एव भवति। शिक्षा मनुष्यस्य
रक्षा पद-पद माता इव च हितकार्ये नियुक्तं पिता इव करोति।

Translate the above passage to english​


Answered by Anonymous

The importance of language is explained as this by all.  Without education we cannot act nobly.  People acquire the ability  to distinguish between what to do or what shouldn't do througheducation .  Without education people will act like blinds . A saying is famous in the World that uneducated people are equal to fools , they aren't capable  of earning money run a family or fulfill their sibling's needs..  uneducated human is equal to animals. Ie , human life is meaningless without education.  Education is the ornament that gives us shine.  Education protects man like a mom and help him to do good things like a father

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