Shake the pan a little as the corns pop.
Since the electric dipole moment of the homonuclear diatomics is zero, the fundamental vibrational transition is electric-dipole-forbidden and the molecules are infrared inactive. ... The spectra of these molecules can be observed by Raman spectroscopy because the molecular vibration is Raman-allowed.
Whenever you’re popping corn, whether it’s in a microwave, or on the stovetop, your ears play a crucial role. At the start, the kernels are quiet, not a lot of going on and at some point, your start hearing popping sounds. The frequency of popping will ramp up quickly until it’s reached its peak, after which it dies down again slowly. Even though we find it obvious that popcorn pops, it took scientists a while to truly understand why popping popcorn makes that sound. Turns out, why popcorn pops is pretty fascinating.