She is a powerful woman _ _ in the right offices
Using pharases
advice but she said she had nothing to add. As she was leaving
she said, “I have no answers for you but one thing I do know
is that one of you is Maitreya.” After she had left, the monks
all felt that what she had said was rather strange but in the
following days they began to give it more thought. Each one
thought something like, “Well, I know I am not Maitreya.
Who could it be? Could it be monk Yamada? Naa, he’s too
quiet and unassuming. Wait, who says the future Buddha
has to be assertive and an active teacher? Maybe what we
really need is a leader that teaches by example.” Another
monk had eliminated most of his fellow monks as being the
Future Buddha and said to himself, “That only leaves monk
Tanaka who is uneducated and has fun joking around all the
time. He can’t be the coming Maitreya… unless, he’s giving
us the lesson that we should all loosen up from the overly
pious seriousness that pervades the monastery. He’s the one
who joked that the worst translation error in our sacred sutra
was that the main word was not “celibate” but “celebrate!”
All the monks upon further reflection started looking at their
fellow monks in a different light. Not only did they start
giving each other the benefit of the doubt but actually began
appreciating the very traits that used to be irritating. Harmony
prevailed as the monks began to understand others rather than
clamor to be understood. As a result, relations improved with
the villagers and the monastery prospered.