English, asked by devarajkottuvallikka, 1 year ago

She writes poems into passive voice


Answered by parriradha


poems is being written by her

Answered by Sinthushaa


Poems are written by her.


The above sentence is in the simple present tense, thus we used,

Object+are+ past partciple+by+subject.

In general, using the active voice makes your writing stronger, clearer, and more engaging. The verb in the sentence is the subject. When using the passive voice, some other verb performers are working on the subject.

When to use the passive voice or when not use the passive voice

It is preferable to use the active voice when writing about a typical subject who is carrying out an action. And if you explore your document for uses of was, is, or were and your page fills with instances of passive voice, switching to active voice would be a good option. There are times when using the passive voice to express ideas is more effective, particularly in formal, professional, and legal arguments.

To know more about "Passive Voice" read




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