India Languages, asked by callmano, 10 months ago

shloka in sanskrit in ramayana with english translation utra kanda


Answered by mkc708

1. सर्वे लक्षणसम्पन्नाः सर्वे धर्मपरायणाः ||

दशवर्षसहस्राणि रामो राज्यमकारयत् | 

"All the people were endowed with excellent characteristics. All were engaged in virtue. Rama was engaged in the kingship thus for Ten thousandyears."

2. धर्मयं यशस्यमायुष्यं राज्ञां च विजाअवहम् ||

आदिकाव्यमिदं चार्षं पुरा वाल्मीकिना कृतम् |

पठेद्यः शृणुयाल्लोके नरः पापात्प्रमुच्यते || 

"In this world, whoever person reads and listens to this foremost lyric derived from the speech of a sage, which is endowed with righteousness, conferring fame and longevity, fetching victory to kings and as written at first by Valmiki, that person is delivered from all misfortune."

3. श्रुत्वा रामायणमिदं दीर्घमायिश्च विन्दति |

रामस्य विजयं चैव सर्वमक्लिष्ठकर्मणः || 

"On hearing this epic of Ramayana and all the episode of victory of Rama, who was unweary in his actions, a person gets longevity to life."

4. विनायकाश्च शाम्यन्ति गृहे तिष्ठन्ति यस्य वै |

विजयेत महीं राजा प्रवासि स्वस्तिमान् भवेत्|| 

"Whoever carefully listens to the epic in his house, all obstacles come to an end. A king conquers the earth. A person staying away from home, fares well."

5. वैरूप्याम् अन्गेषु कश अभिघातो |

मौण्ड्यम् तथा लक्ष्मण सम्निपातः |

एतान् हि दूते प्रवदन्ति दण्डान् |

वधः तु दूतस्य न नः श्रुतो अपि ||  

"Some of the punishments to an envoy are-deforming the limbs, striking with a whip, shaving the head and impressing marks on the body. Indeed, we have not heard at any time of killing a messenger."

6.निर्दस्युरभवल्लोको नानर्थः कन् चिदस्पृशत् |

न च स्म वृद्धा बालानां प्रेतकार्याणि कुर्वते ||  

"The world was bereft of thieves and robberies. No one felt worthless nor did old people perform obsequies concerning youngsters."

Hope it helps mark it as brainliest

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