Biology, asked by ajaychahal2436, 10 months ago

1. Why are bacteria considered as plants ?
2. Discuss the positive role of bacteria in a
3. Why are bacteria called as prokaryotes
4. Discuss the process of nutrition in'bact
5. Write the different morphological form
- Differentiate between Gram (+ve) and​


Answered by Anonymous


  1. Bacteria are unicellular prokaryotes and have a well defined rigid cell wall that provides them resistance to drugs/antibiotics/desiccation. ... Likewise, plants are characterized by presence of cellulosic cell wall outside their cell membrane
  2. ..
  3. Bacteria are examples of the prokaryotic cell type. ... In general, prokaryotic cells are those that do not have a membrane-bound nucleus. In fact "pro-karyotic" is Greek for "before nucleus". Besides bacteria, the cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) are a major group of prokaryotes.
  4. Autotrophic and Heterotrophic are the main mode of nutrition in bacteria. ... As no oxygen is required the bacteria can survive in areas where there is low oxygen density. In this process instead of water hydrogen is used as a source of reducing power. The source of hydrogen is organic and inorganic compounds.

Answered by aman508183


1 - Due to presence of cell wall.

2 - Bacteria is helpful

i.e * Lactobacillus helps in converting milk into


* Rhizobium helps in nitrogen fixation

3 - Because they have not well developed nucleus and membrane.

4 - Bacteria can perform photosynthesis (thus autotroph) but also can obtain food by heterotrophic mode of nutrition.

5 - ?????

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