Short beautiful and easy poems on rain water harvesting
1.Rain Rain fall on us
Fall on us while we play
When you rage and dull our day
We’ll go indoors to safety
2. Rain Rain fall on us
Now we need you in great quantities
To mitigate water shortages
Rain Rain fall on us
3. We really seek you for storage
To keep our plants green when it’s dry
We’ll treat and drink you when need be
Thus we’ve got to store you safely
4. Mum and Dad Store the Rains
Store the rains into tanks
From our roofs underground
Store the rains in poly tanks
5. Rain Rain l need you,
God has blessed us seasonally
Yet we can store you till you’re due to use
To use you when need is due
6. Rain Rain come again
When the season is patchy and dry
Season’s sweet gives us sleep
Refresh and sooth us on our sleepless nights
7. Rain Rain cooling down
Give us water to wash us down
Our hands off the dirty dust
Our hands off the shop of bugs
That we’ll eat in health and live
Nay we’ll drink in health and lie
Rain rain wash us clean
8. Dad and Mum store the rain to prevent the flowy floods
From drowning us on our way to school
Though we fault by building in your pathway
Mum and Dad store the floods.
Water, Water all around,
Save every drop that can be found!
Wasting water isn’t good,
So you never should.
Never let your taps run,
Turn them off as soon as you’re done.
Don’t waste time in the shower,
Your harvested water should be used on a flower.
Wash your car in the rain,
So not as much water will go down the drain.
Put a brick in the toilet before you flush,
So the water won’t go down in a gush.
You must realise water is good!!
So save as everyone knows we should!!
Jack and Jill went up the hill
And found there was no water
The human race must move to space
It’s going to be a disaster.
Jack said to Jill, “The waters gone,
We’ve nothing left to drink,
Our wasteful ways, now we must pay,
We’ve let it all down the sink.
We wasted it in lots of ways,
Like a bath instead of a shower,
Watering the plants on sunny days,
Leaving the tap on full power.
To save the world now we must act
And use our water well,
Change our ways, or we will pay,
In this beautiful world we want to dwell.
Saving water is very good, everybody should.