short nite on chordata...
• Body of these animals is triploblastic, coelomate with
bilateral symmetry.
• All of them have a notochord (a new feature of bodydesign).
•Notochord is a long rod-like support structure that runs along the back of the animal.
• It separates the nervous tissue from the gut. It provides site for muscle attachment.
• They have dorsal nerve cord and paired gill pouches.
• A post-anal tail present at some stage of life.
• Ventral heart is present with dorsal and ventral blood
vessels and closed blood vascular system.
• Complete digestive system is present.
Chordata is divided into two groups or sub-phylum:
(1) Protochordata (Acraniata)
(1) Vertebrata (Craniata)
spinal cord is housed within its backbone .during some period of their life time they posses a notochord,dorsal nerve chord .
hope this helps you .