short note on career of iltutmish
hey mate here is ur answer
Shams-ud-din Iltutmish was born of Turkish parents of the Ilbari tribe of Central Asia. He was handsome and intelligent and his father loved him very much. His envious brothers sold him as a slave while he was yet a child. His master Jamal-ud-din took him to Ghazni where Sultan Muhammad desired to purchase him. But Jamal-ud-din asked for more than what the Sultan desired to pay.
Therefore, the Sultan forbade to sell Iltutmish in Ghazni. Iltutmish was then taken to Delhi where Qutb-ud-din Aibak purchased him. Iltutmish proved his worth and rose to higher positions by his own merit. He got promotions one after another till he became the master of the hunt (Amir-i-Shikar).
Then he was sent as incharge of the fort of Gwalior. After that he got the governorship of Baran (Bulandshahr), was married to the daughter of Qutb-ud-din and, finally, appointed as governor of the Iqta (province) of Badaun.
While fighting against the Khokhars in 1205-06 A.D., Sultan Muhammad was impressed so much with his valour that he advised Aibak to free him from slavery which was subsequently done. After the death of Aibak, the citizens of Delhi felt that the infant Turkish empire in India required the services of a capable ruler than that of lazy Aram Shah.
Therefore, Sipahsalar Amir Ali took consent of the citizens and Turkish nobles of Delhi and invited Iltutmish to come to Delhi. Iltutmish assumed the reigns of government, defeated Aram Shah and, thus, became the ruler of Delhi in 1211 A.D.
pls mark as brainliest
Iltutmish’s full name was Shams-ud-din Iltutmish and was born in a Turkish family in Central Asia. His family belonged to the Ilbari tribe of the Turks. He was handsome and intelligent and loved by his parents. His brothers being envious had sold him as a slave to a slave merchant named Jamal-ud-din. He took him to Delhi and sold him again to Qutb-uddin-Aibak.
He received training as a soldier and learnt reading and writing as well. Very soon he proved his talent and became a great warrior. It is said that Muhammad of Ghur was much impressed and recommended him to Qutb-uddin-Aibak in these words: Treat Iltutmish well, for he will distinguish himself. His words become true. Under Aibak, Iltutmish rose from position to position and just before his Sultan-ship he was the governor of Badaun. Aibak made him his son-in-law by giving him his daughter in marriage. However with a stroke of good fortune and hard work he became the Sultan of Delhi and ascended the throne in 1211 A.D. after the death of his great master.