Business Studies, asked by shrikumarjayram, 6 months ago

Short note on cooperative societies ​and different types of cooperative societies


Answered by 160336mokshithagbkm

Short note on cooperative societies ​and different types of cooperative societies.


Co-operative societies or Co-ops are a worldwide phenomenon with various definitions and diverse structures.

Essentially, they are an association of users or firms or households in pursuit of economic, social or cultural objectives, applying to themselves the rules of joint ownership and democracy, aiming to serve its members and the community as a whole.

They are a voluntary association that replace capitalism with co-operation, listen to their members’ needs, are non-discriminatory, arrive at decisions through discussions and follow the ideals of self-help and mutual help.

What are the types of co-operatives in India?

1. Consumer Cooperative Society

2. Producer Cooperative Society

3. Co-operative Credit Societies

4. Marketing Cooperative Society

5. Housing Cooperative Society

6. Co-operative Farming Societies

thank u asking this asking question


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