short note on importance of offline exam
Offline Exams
Candidates are enrolled online but the exam by candidates is taken offline (on paper or some other system). You can print the test from within the Editor to distribute the test's printed copies to candidates. Answers to the questions are created outside of the system using OMR, manual or other methods.
1) The process of learning is not isolated. 2) There is an instructor or a teacher present at all times to answer the student's queries. 3) Exchange of ideas and views in offline classrooms is "real-time" and effective. 4) Probability of learning is high.
Hope this helps you !!!!
As we know that offline exam are the most important for student life because it keeps the students uniformly as they can't cheat in offline exam and this habit will change the stundents life and will reach him/her to his selected goal.
Hope it will help you