Short note on life of jesus christ
Jesus Christ was born during the life and reign of Herod the Great who ruled Palestine at the end of the 1st Century B.C. on the 25th of December, which is celebrated by Christians every year in remembrance of the day Jesus Christ was born. Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in Judea by Virgin Mary in a manger. Joseph was the father of Jesus. Joseph was a carpenter. When Jesus was born the three wise men fro the east followed to star (Star of Bethlehem) to where Jesus was born. The three wise men bore with them gifts, Gold, Myrrh, and Frankincense. About that same time king Herod was deeply disturbed by the birth of Jesus Christ, because he heard a new king has been born. Herod became furious and sent his soldiers into Bethlehem to kill all the boys around two years and under. Joseph and Mary fled from Bethlehem to Egypt before the soldiers could get to them. Herod’s plan turned out to be a fiasco. When Herod died and everything had calmed down, Joseph and Mary with Jesus went to Galilee and settled down in a town called Nazareth, were Jesus grew up, where Jesus Christ was called the “Nazarene” (Jesus of Nazareth). Jesus was a leader all through his life even from birth.John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ the (son of Zacharias). Jesus Christ prayed before he was arrested, he knew his time had come. Judas Iscariot, one of the disciples of Jesus Christ who betrayed him. He led the roman soldiers into the Kidron valley where Jesus Christ was with his disciples. As soon as Judas Iscariot saw Jesus he identified him and Jesus was arrested. One of the disciples, Simon drew his knife and attacked the High priest Servant, Malchus and slashed off his ear. Jesus commanded Simon to withdraw and then Jesus healed Malchus.After Jesus was arrested he was brought before Caiaphas, the high priest for trials. After the trials with the high priest he was sent to the headquarters of the Roman Governor, Pontus Pilate for another trial. The Jews accused Jesus of being a criminal. The men who accused Jesus didn’t go in with Jesus for his trial, because they knew it was a false accusation. Pontus Pilate found Jesus not guilty, but the Jews wanted him to be killed and Barabbas, a criminal released. Pontus Pilate had Jesus flogged in the open with lead-tipped whips, and they crowned him with thongs. Pilate didn’t want to kill Jesus, but the Jewish leaders kept on pressurizing him to do so. Pontus Pilate was left with no option but to crucify Jesus, he was afraid that the leaders might turn against him. Jesus led to where he was going to be crucified. His disciples and Mother, Mary Magdalene, watched him carry his cross with thongs on his head.Jesus knew it was finally over, and he said ” I am thirsty” then they soaked a sponge into a sour jar of and gave him. He replied, “it is finished”, and he gave up the ghost. Jesus was buried in a tomb, which has never been used before close to a garden. Nicodemus was the man who brought white linen and seventy-five pounds of ointment, which was made of myrrh and aloes.Early on Sunday Morning, Mary mother of Jesus went to the Tomb and it was open, so she ran back to the disciples telling them that the body of Jesus had been taken away. The disciples rushed to confirm if what Mary Magdalene said was true, on getting there the body was no longer there, they were all marveled and they left. Later that day Mary was crying outside the tomb, when Jesus appeared to her and told her to stop crying. After Mary saw Jesus she ran to the disciples to tell them what had happened, but one of disciples, Thomas didn’t believe. Later that day Jesus appeared to them, after they saw what Jesus had done they believed that he is the Son of God, and that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have life.
Jesus was born at Bethlehem,5 kms away from Jerusalem in Judea Province. His father and mother were Joseph and-Mary. About his early is not known much. He was baptised by John at the age of 30. After he was baptised, he started travelling throughout the country preaching religious life.
He had twelve disciples called as “Apostles”. Of them Peter was the first apostle.Jesus spent his life serving the poor suffering from poverty and diseases. Jew fundamentalists felt jealous of his popularity and started opposing him for his rejecting the religious dogmas. The Jewish police arrested him and handed him over to the Governor Pontius Pilate. He ordered Crucifixion of Jesus.
On Friday, the 7th April of 30 B.C. Jesus was crucified on the hillock of Golgotha by Roman soldiers. Thus his life was ended.