short notes on raise of Marathas

The Maratha nationalism grew up when the Muslims had nearly completed their conquest of Indian subcontinent. It resulted in the formation of an independent state of the Hindus in the South. Gradually the Marathas developed that strong spirit of nationalism which made them the most powerful group of people in India.
It was the strength of Maratha nationalism which inspired Maratha leaders to establish Hindu-Pad-Padshahi in India by capturing the power of Delhi emperors and bringing India under one rule. The history of the rise of the Marathas is the history of the rise of an organized group of people inhabiting the territory of Maharashtra.
Different factors participated in the rise of Maratha nationalism and political power of the Marathas. The geographical condition of Maharashtra helped in the rise of the Marathas. Larger part of Maharashtra is plateau where man has to struggle hard for his existence. That made the Marathas courageous and sturdy.
The plateau provided every facility for defence including the construction of forts at every hill-top while it was difficult for a foreign invader to get supplies besides the difficulty of movement with large armies in an unknown land. The plateau also provided good facility for guerilla-warfare to the Marathas.
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