short notes on robots
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A robot is an artificial agent, meaning it acts instead of a person, doing things it is designed for.
Robots are usually machines controlled by acomputer program or electronic circuitry. They may be directly controlled by humans. They may be designed to look like humans, in which case their behaviour may suggestintelligence or thought. Most robots do a specific job, and they do not always look like humans.
Robots are usually machines controlled by acomputer program or electronic circuitry. They may be directly controlled by humans. They may be designed to look like humans, in which case their behaviour may suggestintelligence or thought. Most robots do a specific job, and they do not always look like humans.
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Note: This question is to be answered on the basis of your own understanding, experience and thoughts. It is strongly recommended that you prepare the solution on your own. However, some points have been provided for your reference. You MUST give personal slant or experience of topic.SPEECH INTRODUCTION What do you think of when you think about ˜robots'? If you think they are only the stuff of space movies and science fiction novels, then think again...... POINTS: Robots are the largest growing technological devices in the world. They perform many functions ranging from space exploration to entertainment.The reasons for using robots are almost endless for example ; robots are ideal for jobs that require repetitive , precise movements. Human workers get bored doing the same thing over and over, which can lead to fatigue, Robots are also ideal for tasks that are dangerous, or where human workers may damage the product. For example, in a factory manufacturing medicines and chemicals that may harm humans, and factories that manufacture food that humans may damage by handling. Also used in tasks that is impossible for humans for example navigating mars or deep sea exploration.
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