English, asked by ishansiddhu456, 9 months ago

short paragraph on historical monument 80-100 words


Answered by kallurireddamma9


When thinking about architecture, many visual images come to mind. The works of many are seen everywhere we go, from the average home to a New York skyscraper. As these buildings are fairly common to most of us, we forget to incorporate the work of our prehistoric man that gave us the foundation of early architecture. Pre-historic monuments provide us with numerous amounts information about our past and how life existed in these prehistoric times. When comparing two great works from ancient times, we will determine the main reason for these buildings as well as rituals that were held and there excavations and discoveries.

The passage-tomb at New Grange was constructed around 3200BC, according to archeologist. This…show more content…

There were also artifacts and findings that were discovered in the excavating period of New Grange. There were bones of three dogs along the chamber, which are uncertain if these dogs are from ancient times or just strays that got caught within the chamber. Approximately seven-hundred and fifty bones were found by archeologist mostly animal bones. Gold objects were also found, a gold chain and two gold rings, as well as, twenty-one roman coins, most in mint condition.      The Great Stupa at Sanchi, India is another example of great monumental architecture. Ashoka Maurya (273 - 236 BC) was the most famous of the Buddhist rulers of India. Emperor Ashoka built a total of eight stupas on the hilltop of Sanchi including the Great Stupa. A great number of stupas and other religious structures were added over the succeeding centuries. The Great Stupa has a bell shaped hemispheric design made up of bricks. The interior of these stupas were mainly filled with ruble and relics of Buddha and his followers. These stupas became forgotten and started to decay with the decline of Buddhism. Yet, between 1912 and 1919 the stupas were carefully reconditioned and restored. The stupas included four gateways, or toranas, which are one of the finest arts of the Sanchi. The north torana consist of two rectangular posts which have four elephants with riders that supports three architraves. At the very top are two

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The Battle Of The Confederate War

1390 Words | 6 Pages

Confederate Battle Flag resulting in its removal from state buildings. They have pursued the issue further, arguing that all Confederate Civil War memorials should be removed. I disagree; the Confederate monuments hold too great a historical value to simply dispose of them like last night’s dinner. The monuments and memorials under fire all possess similar traits that causes social and racial tension. By first identifying these traits we can then make the necessary adjustments to remedy the issue. Again,

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The Significance Of A Historical Society

2150 Words | 9 Pages

The Montclair Historical Society or the Montclair Historical Center as it will be called in 2017, is a nonprofit organization promotes preservation, study and appreciation of local history. It was originally founded in 1965 to save the Israel Crane House, a Federal Revival style landmark home built by a local entrepreneur in 1796. It was relocated from Glen Ridge Avenue to its current location on Orange Road. Located next to the Israel Crane house’s new location is the Nathaniel Crane House. Built

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Essay about The Washington Monument

4283 Words | 18 Pages

The Washington Monument The Washington Monument, a memorial structure designed and constructed in the nineteenth century, signifies an important tribute to the prestigious role and achievements of our nation’s founding father. Ideas for such a monument first arose in 1783, by which time “the fame George Washington, Commanding General and first President of the United States, was assured in the pantheon of statesmen of the world” (1). It was during this year that the Continental

Answered by sahsahender05


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