short paragraph on microorganisms
A microorganism or microbe is an organism which is microscopic, which means so small that people cannot see them with naked eye. The study of microorganisms is called microbiology. Microorganisms include bacteria, fungi, archaea, protists and viruses, and are among the earliest known life forms.
Some microorganisms are harmful to us in many ways. They cause diseases in humans,
Some microorganisms are harmful to us in many ways. They cause diseases in humans,Plants and animals. Some microorganisms spoil food, clothing and leather Spoiled food
Some microorganisms are harmful to us in many ways. They cause diseases in humans,Plants and animals. Some microorganisms spoil food, clothing and leather Spoiled foodcauses food poisoning when it is consumed by healthy persons. Sometimes disease
Some microorganisms are harmful to us in many ways. They cause diseases in humans,Plants and animals. Some microorganisms spoil food, clothing and leather Spoiled foodcauses food poisoning when it is consumed by healthy persons. Sometimes diseasecausing microorganisms enter our body via some vectors.