short speech on mobile
Mobile phones are the little wonders of the 21st century they have revolutionized and transformed our lives completely.
Mobile revolution is the story of the creation of a mobile market and worldwide services, exploring new possibilities of transforming how we will live, work and play.
The mobile phones have undertaken a fascinating journey from worldwide internet messaging content and multimedia messaging to camera phones, to location based services, mobile phone televisions, 3G phones etc.
Mobile revolution is not only mind-boggling but also quite dramatic with the rapid pace of change in technology.
Today, life without mobile phones is not only unimaginable but also unlikely.
The conventional land lines, cumbersome and outdated, appear redundant and obsolete in comparison to these handy little gadgets. Gone are the days, when you needed a telephone directory in order to look for the phone number, you wish to dial.
The utility of these sleek little phones is such that even if one has the option of using a land line one usually prefers to use this amazing device because of its easy accessibility.
With advancement in science and technology, every new model which comes in the market is superior to its previous one, with more options and wider range of services. It provides access to entertainment and opens up a vast new world of information, work and play, so comprehensive, immediate and useful that one wonders how one can get along without it and how one had functioned so long without this utility.
Multitude of internet based services is also available on these hand sets on which one can down load any music, video game and so on. Whatever one can imagine, one can access on his brave new world.
The day is not far when the mobile phones will get you your tickets to the train and would also take over the function of your credit car.
Today, one can buy tickets over a phone but soon phones could become the payment method itself. There is no doubt that today India is one of the large consumers of mobile phones witnessing one of the greatest electronic revolutions of our times. Mobile phones have amazingly and interesting impacted our lives as they allow us to walk away with them and to own ourselves completely, most importantly they are very intimate and ha an extra-ordinary reach.
However, it is just the beginning of a new way life and still the possibilities are immense and perhaps beyond our imagination today.