English, asked by singhjupanpreet, 1 year ago

should moral education should be teach in school
lenght of answer must be for speaking 1 minute​


Answered by sahajtripathi2726


yes moral education should be teach in school


The knowledge students learn from mathematics, science, history and languages will amount to nothing if schools do not teach them moral values and respect for the rights of others as well. Moral values, or ethics and respect for others, should be a major subject from kindergarten up to the college level.

Answered by shraddha8355


Swami Vivekananda said of Education: “Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man…”

To become divine (or great), man must give up suspicion, jealousy, conceit and learn to work unitedly for the common good. Courage, faith (in oneself and in God), patience and steady work, according to Swami Vivekananda are the way to success. He said that purity, patience and perseverance overcome all obstacles.

Having moral values and learning is just building having a strong root; for the body, having a healthy root will help in having healthy leaves and branches. A famous quote says if wealth is lost nothing is lost, if health is lost something is lost; when character is lost all is lost”. This is the reason schools have introduced a subject called moral science so that moral teachings can be disseminated among the today’s modern children. Inculcating a sound moral base is becoming a tougher challenge day by day.

Students today are so much into studies and games but somewhere moral teachings becomes compulsory as it gives them a proper shape and direction as how to act or react during various difficult situations. Moral values need to be inculcated in all age groups especially in young children as it is said young minds are empty just as a plain white sheet so whatever mark we leave the impression remains for years. When it comes for a teacher to inculcate a moral base in their students it takes a lot more as teachers are the ones who shape our thoughts and mind to a large extent

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