Show the points of similarities and differences between the two supernatural stories A house call and the loving mother
'The Loving Mother'.
ANS: The stories based on events or things that cannot be explained by nature or science and they are assumed to come from beyond or to originate from other worldly forces are known as supernatural stories. 'The House Call' and 'The Loving Mother' are two supernatural stories having following similarities:
'The House Call' and 'The Loving Mother' both are the supernatural stories about spirit. In both supernatural stories, the strong bond between mother and child can be seen which hasn't broke even after death. In both the stories, the spirit has returned back to the living world wen the natural phenomenon is abnormal. Both the spirit preferred to take help from the persons working in the medical field. Similarly the spirits made pleading request for their loved ones. Likewise, the spirits in both the stories had returned back in order to save the life of their loved ones. Both the spirits have similar panic and concern for their loved ones.The spirits were well known that they were followed. Both the spirits walked away after the fulfillment of their desires. The spirits also said their words but didn't wait to listen medical personnel queries.
The medical personnel of 'The House Call' and 'The Loving Mother' were hard working and dedicated towards their profession. Both the medical were called by the medical at night. Both of them followed the spirits. They both climbed upstairs, Both were shocked after knowing the truth. Both of them indirectly saved the life of the loved ones of the spirits. They both couldn't ask their queries to the spirits.
The loved ones of the spirits of 'The House Call' and 'The Loving Mother' were lying on the bed. The loved ones of the spirits lost the ones who loved them a lot. Both of them were alive and were left alone.
These are some similarities between 'The House Call' and 'The Loving Mother'.