Shreya and Vivek were partners in a firm sharing profit in the ratio 3: 2 .the balance in their capital and current accounts as on 1st April 2017 where is under: capital account Shreya: 300000 and Vivek:200000. Current account Shreya: 100000(cr) and Vivek: 28000(Dr). the partnership deed provide that Shreya was to be paid a salary of 5000 per month where as Vivek was to get a commission of 30000 for the year .interest on capital was to be allowed at 8% per annum .where as interest on drawing was to be charged at 6% per annum .the drawing of Shreya were 3000 at the beginning of each quater while Vivek withdrawal 30,000 and on 1st April 2017. the net profit of the firm for the year before making the above adjustments was 120000. prepare profit and loss appropriation account and partners capital and current account.
Profit and Loss Appropriation A/c with Partners Capital and Current A/cs
In the Books of the Firm
P&L Appropriation A/c
Particulars Amount(Rs.) Particulars Amount(Rs.)
To Partner Current A/c- By P&L A/c 120000
Shreya 78508 By Int. on Drawings-
Vivek 42992 Shreya 450
Vivek 1050
121500 121500
Partner Capital A/c
Particulars Shreya Vivek Particulars Shreya Vivek
To Balance c/d 300000 200000 By Bal. b/d 300000 200000
300000 200000 300000 200000
Partner Current A/c
Particulars Shreya Vivek Particulars Shreya Vivek
To Balance b/d - 28000 By Bal. b/d 100000 -
To Drawings 12000 30000 By P&L App. 78508 42992
To Int. on Drawings 450 1050 By Bal. c/d - 16058
178508 59050 178508 59050
*Working Notes:
1) Calculation of Amount to be paid to each partner
Particulars Shreya Vivek
Interest on Capital 24000 16000
Salary 60000 -
Commission - 30000
Amount to be paid 84000 46000
Total Amount to be paid to the partners = Rs.1,30,000.
Profits available = Rs.121500(120000+1500),therefore the appropriation will be made to the extent of 121500 only in the ratio of 84:46
Shreya's share = = Rs.78508
Vivek's Share = = Rs.42992
Value of Closing stock should be Rs.15000
Value of Closing stock can be calculated by preparing a Memorandum Trading A/c:
Memorandum Trading A/c
Particulars Amount(Rs.) Particulars Amount(Rs.)
To Opening Stock 10,000 By Sales 25000
To Purchases: By Closing Stock 15000
Credit 8000 (bal. fig.)
Cash 12000 By Gross Loss 15000
To Carriage Inwards 25000
55000 55000
*Therefore,the value of closing stock by preparing a Memorandum Trading A/c and posting the given values in it come out to be Rs.15000.