English, asked by harshprajapat098, 5 months ago

Shri Krishna Public School

Half Yearly - 2020

Class VIII

Subject - English MM : 40

Instructions :

1. This paper consists of four section : Section A –

Reading, Section B – Writing, Section C – Grammar,

Section D – Literature.

2. All questions are compulsory.

SECTION – A [Reading]

Q.1. Read the passage given below : (8 Marks)

Sniffer dog Tucker uses his nose to help researchers find

out why a killer whale population off the northwest coast

of the United States is on the decline. He searches for

whale faces floating on the surface of the water, which are

then collected for examination. He is one of the elite team

of detection dogs used by scientists studying a number of

species including right whales and killer whales.

Conservation canines are fast becoming indispensable

tools for biologists according to Aimee Hurt, associate

director and co-founder of Working Dogs for

Conservation, based in Three Forks, Montana.

Over the last few years, though, so many new

conservation dog projects have sprung up that Hurt can nolonger keep track of them all. Her organization’s dogs and

their handlers are fully booked to assist field researchers

into 2012.

“Dogs have such a phenomenal sense of smell”, explained

Sam Wasser, director of the Center for Conservation

biology at the University of Washington in Seattle. He has

worked with scat-detection dogs since 199(g). Scientists

have been using Conservation Canines in their research

since 199(g). These dogs have enabled them to non-

invasively access vast amount of genetic and

physiological information which is used to tackle

conservation problems around the world. Such

information has proved vital for determining the causes

and consequences of human disturbances on wildlife as

well as the actions needed to mitigate such impacts.

The ideal detection dog is extremely energetic with an

excessive play drive. These dogs will happily work all •

day long, motivated by the expectation of a ball game as a

reward for sample detection. The obsessive, high energy

personalities of detection dogs also make them difficult to

maintain as pets. As a result, they frequently find

themselves abandoned to animal shelters, facing

euthanasia. The programme rescues these dogs and offers

them a satisfying career in conservation research.

Answer the following questions:(a) According to the text there are a few________

detection dogs like Tucker.

(b) Tucker sniffs for whale________

(c) The dogs are special because they assist in research

without ________

(d) The ideal detection dog ________

(e) The dogs expect________ as a reward of their hard


(f) ________of these dogs make it difficult to keep them

as pets.

(g) These dogs find career in ________

(h) The word ‘euthanasia’ means ________

SECTION B [Writing] (5M)

Q.1. Your school organized an excursion to Amritsar and

Wagah border. Write a diary entry about your visit in 100

~ 150 words.


There is a fall in values in today’s life. Keeping this in

mind, write a paragraph on “The need for moral

education in schools”, so as to make the youth of today

aware of high moral standards.

SECTION – C [Grammar]

Q.1. Underline the adverbs in the following sentences

and state their kind. (1 x 6= 6M)1)I went to the market in the morning.

2) The dog sat lazily in the shade of the tree.

3)I often visit my grandparents.

4) It is extremely hot today.

5) I am waiting here for my friend.

6) We will leave today.

Q.2. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable adjectives

(1 x 6= 6M)

1)The ……… girl answered all the questions correctly.

2)The ……. man died in his sleep last night.

3) Can I have a ……… drink , please ?

4) His room was dark and ……….

5) Ranjeet Singh is a ……….. player. He played well.

6) This is a …………. street.

Q.3. Give the word meanings : (1/2 x 4 = 2M)

1) Muttered

2) Wobbly

3) Bumping

4) Snatch

SECTION D [Literature]

Q.1. Answer the following questions in brief:(1 x 5= 5M)1) What tasks, do you think were assigned to the dog and

the ox ?

2) Why had Velu ran away from home ?

3) Why did the children find it difficult to understand

what Rajam would say ?

4) Who was the man waiting for and for whom?

5) Why do you think the desk had been sold and when?

Q.2. Answer the following question in detail:(2 x 4= 8M)

1) Do you think the soldiers of the two armies are like

each other, or different from each other ? Find evidences

from the story to support your answers ?

2) “ If you are not careful, you will soon be counting bars

there” , the girl said.

a) What is she referring to ?

b) What does she mean when she says “ If you are not


(She says something a little later which means the same.

Find that sentence.)

3) Why was Swaminathan punished by the teacher ?

4) How can you say that Bob was rich ?​


Answered by mauryanmangroliya


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