Si + CH3Cl ------Cu/570K-----?
(a) When Si is heated with CH3Cl at high temperature (570K) in the presence of Cu as a catalyst, a mixture of mono-, di- , and trimethylchlorosilanes along with a small amount of tetramethylsilane is formed.
e.g., CH3Cl + Si------(Cu,570K)---> CH3SiCl3
+ (CH)2SiCl2 + (CH)3SiCl + (CH3)4Si
(b) When SiO2 reacts with HF, silicon tetrafluoride is formed which dissolves in HF to form hydrofluorosilicic acid.
e.g., SiO2 + 4HF ------>SiF4 + 2H2O;
SiF4 + 2HF -----> H2SiF6
(c) CO is a strong reducing agent but it can't reduce ZnO as for CO---->CO2 ,∆G is always higher than that of ZnO . Thus, no reaction takes place.
(d) Alumina dissolves to form sodium meta - aluminate.
Al2O3.2H2O + 2NaOH ----> 2NaAlO2 + 3H2O
The reaction of silicon with methyl chloride yields chlorosilanes that are methyl-substituted.
It is an example of a polymerization reaction involving copper and a high temperature of 570K. Due to the presence of copper, there is a mixture of organo silicane polymers such as mono, di, tri methyl-chlorosilanes, and tetramethyl-chlorosilanes.