Simulation theory;
Write your own answers, without doing plagiarism.
(1) Our brain is just a muscle, have you ever though how can a muscle control our body parts?
(2) When we sleep why do we get dream? Is our dream a movie which our brain shows us?
(3) Have you ever though how does a dream starts and ends, thinking about this you don't get any point.
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Question1: Our brain is just a muscle, have you ever thought how can a muscle control our body parts?
Yes , Brain is made up of muscles, But sensory cells present in our brain makes it functional . our brain is such a wonderfull thing . It doesn't only consists of muscles . It consists of many nerves and millions and trillions of nerves working together make it a huge network in our brain , controlling a human's each and every beat of heart plus, every breath we take .
for a shock : your brain is made up of approximately 100 billion nerve cells , called neorons . Neurons have the amazing capability to gather and transfer electro-chemical signals .
Neurons are basically information messengers. they use electrical impulses and chemical signal to transmit information between different areas of brain , and between the brain and rest of nervous system .
So basically brain is not a single piece of muscle . its a huge network of neurons and chemicals .
When we sleep why do we get dream? Is our dream a movie which our brain shows us?
Actualy scientists are not yet sure about what dream really is . What we have is only "Theories".
some scientist believe that dreaming is related the signals . yes , there are some signals sent to cortex through brain , when we are asleep .
some of these signals are crucial for updating our memory in day to day life .
our neorobiological theory says dreaming is activation synthesis hypnothesis . It says that dreams dont actually have any litrall meaning . They are basically electrical brain impulses that pull some random thought in our brain . These dreams help you in getting rid of unimportant thoughts , that u need to forget . some earlier considered taboos say that dreams are linked to future . But dreams are purely based on scientific releasing of chemicals and random waves that our brain send .
Have you ever thought how does a dream starts and ends, thinking about this you don't get any point.
This answer partially depends on 2nd one i gave .
so , Basically Dreams have not any actual meaning . Dreams are illusions . This can be easily studied by a branch of science called "quantum mechanics" . this is the most confusing and difficult branch of science . According to this branch of science . The problem of time is conceptual , time is basically made for human's confirmation and to divide the incidents . Time in reality is relative and flexible .
The dividing line between past present and future is illusion .
So , the time dream starts and ends does not have any sense . because time is actually an illusion .
Thanks !
hi mate......
please read fully mate........ please........
1. Actually our brain is not a muscle, but it contains some bit of muscle . so the brain sends messages from " cortex " , the outer layer of brain . These need to go to the muscles but they will make a little stop first. if every messages are sent to muscles, it wouldn't be able to function. basal ganglia is a organ, which sends only impossible messages to the brain .
so this is how brain functions.......
2.Dreams are stories created while we sleep.
we dream at least four to six times a night.
some researchers said that, Dreams are meaningless, for no purpose.
3.our dreams lasts only for 20-30 minutes. Dreams report can be reported from normal subjects 50 % of the time.
hope it helps you..........