skit about dengue awarness
Malaria Mosquito : Hi , how are you dengue
Dengue mosquito : Hi , how are you I'm fine malaria
Malaria : I 'm fine
Dengue : We met after so many days
Malaria Mosquito : Ha this time because of the many members had dengue
Dengue mosquito : Dengue fever has become almost I think 30 members Malaria mosquitoes : malaria spread around only 30 members to 50 members I 'm great , I only Do not lie to say really
Malaria Mosquito : Yes true
Dengue mosquito : you more than I will spread only for people fastely dengu
Malaria Mosquito : I like it because you can spread even faster
Dengue mosquito : a procedure for you invading red blood cells and is transmitted by mosquitoes , which is a fever caused by a protozoan parasite
Malaria Mosquito : Yes , that's right , but it is so dangerous
Dengue mosquito : to me only in the process of viral disease transmitted by Joint mosquitoes and pain
Malaria Mosquito : Yes , my great dengue Dengue Mosquito : No , we are great
hello friend !! here is your answer.....☺☺☺
rita : hi ! did you hear the news about the death of a girl because of dengue?
sita : yes... i came to know.... it is so sad........but, what is dengue ??
rita : you dont know what is dengue ? come, i will tell you.....
sita :ok
rita :Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral disease. Dengue virus is transmitted by female mosquitoes.
sita :ok... how to prevent this disease ??
rita : there is no vaccine for dengue, but Personal protection and the environmental management of mosquitoes are important in preventing illness. Prevent access of mosquitoes to an infected person with a fever. Protect yourself from mosquito bites at all times in dengue areas.
sita : thanks a lot !!
rita : youre welcome !! and keep safe from dengue !!
sita : bye !!
rita : bye !!
hope it helped !! :)