skit based on disaster management awareness
Explanation:global context for disaster risk reduction is shaped by the Hyogo Framework of Action, which was adopted by 168 nation states in 2005. Priority 3 of this five-point framework is to “use knowledge, innovation and education to build a culture of safety and resilience at all levels” .
Public awareness and public education for disaster reduction seek to turn available human knowledge into specific local action to reduce disaster risks. It mobilizes people through clear messages, supported with detailed information.
Hazard awareness alone does not lead directly to people adopting risk-reduction measures. Researchers have found that people take action only when:
they know what specific actions can be taken to reduce their risksthey are convinced that these actions will be effectivethey believe in their own ability to carry out the tasks.
Key research findings can inform the design of successful public education. For example, the following facts are well established:
People need to be stimulated to seek information.People seek consensus, and want validation from many sources (for example, friends, experts, public authorities, respected community leaders, radio, television and web sites) before they act.People go along with what they think others are doing (This means that it is important to focus on all of the positive and local examples: negative threats do not work.)Three types of people start ‘pro-social epidemics’: connectors who bring people together, information specialists (in other words, experts), and salespeople who have the ability to persuade.The most memorable lessons are learned from stories that are simple, unexpected, concrete, credible and emotional.The gradual process of behaviour change moves from contemplation to planning, then to action, and finally to maintenance.