English, asked by sejalgaikwad1412, 1 year ago

slogans on - even small things in nature play a big role


Answered by upenderjoshi28

Slogans on Small Things in nature play a big role

1. Small, tiny drops when join together,

Take the form of a thundering river.

2. Each passing moment over the years  

 Becomes a century and then eternity.

3. Each small word you read will one day lead

You to the treasures of knowledge at great speed.

4. One tiny thread you can easily break;

Twined together rope they make.  

5. If you want to achieve big success,

   Learn to succeed in small acts;

  Each small successful act will bring

  You success that shall ring

 All around in great abound.

(Note: the meaning of 'in abound' here is in large quantity)

Answered by Arslankincsem


The Ocean is not built out of a single drop of water but on the accumulation of droplets of water.

Small things in nature play a significant role to build big.

The bees may be small insects, but they are indeed needed for pollination as well as germination of fruits in a plant.

Big things are formed with the help of little things in nature.

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