small stones present in the top soil are known as...................
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➠ AnSwer:-
☞ loam.......
- Loam is found in a majority of successful farms in regions around the world known for their fertile land.
- Loam soil feels soft and crumbly and is easy to work over a wide range of moisture conditions
Answered by
Soil: Soil is a dark brown solid material which is mixture of 'rock particles of various sizes' and decaying animal and plant matter.
The soil is made up of six components are Rock particles , Humus , Mineral , Air , water and Living organisms.
On the basis of their sizes,the rock particles can be divided into mainly four groups:
- Clay : The smallest rock particles present in soil form clay.
- Slit : Silt is made up of rock particles in soil which are little larger than clay particles .
- Sand : Sand is made up of particles larger than that of slit.
- Gravel : The largest sized rock particles present in soil are called gravel. Gravel is kind of small stone.
★ Small stones present in the top soil are known as Gravel .
Additional information:
Properties of soil :-
- Soil contain water.
- Soil contain air.
- Soil allows water to pass down through it.
- Soil can absorb water.
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