English, asked by nandakumarhariharan1, 4 months ago

Ravi and I have been buddies for ages. Now I (I/my/me) am a Professor
at Chemistry at Guru Nanak College and he (he/his/him) is a Professor
of Chemistry at Vivekananda College. We (Wel us) met two decades ago,
Our families also became friends. Wil Che/his/him) father and my father
were colleagues at the Southern Railway office. We (Weſus) lived in the
Railway Quarters
did then they/their/them). When
(they/their/them) bought theid (they/their/them) own house, they
moved out of the quarters. A few years later Is_(we/us) bought our
own house and went to live there. (Our/we/us) friendship didn't fade.
Both of (we/us) joined the same college and the same course as
well! I used to share my class notes with Chim/he) when he couldn't
make it to college. He also shared (he/his/him) with me, whenever
required. We studied together, but
Courſweſus) projects
independently. He got the first prize for Che/his/him) and I got the
second prize for mine (me/mine). When Ravi congratulated me, he said,
"I like cour(you/your) project, it (it/its) awesome." I replied, "I think
deserve the first prize."
Cound you/yours) is the best. You deserve the first prize."​


Answered by dhairyasumesara


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