Solve if you can! Very easy question it is! Use your mind! Hurrah

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Line Segment : A Line segment is a piece or part of a line in geometry . A line segment is reoresented by end points with each end of the line segment . A line in Geometry is represented by a line with arrows at each end .
Formula :
Line Segment AB + Line segment BC = Line segment AC
We can only Find it into whole section .
Because it impossible to Find 9th section of 37 ❤❤
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Given two line segments (p1, q1) and (p2, q2), find if the given line segments intersect with each other.
1. General Case:
– (p1, q1, p2) and (p1, q1, q2) have different orientations and
– (p2, q2, p1) and (p2, q2, q1) have different orientations.
2. Special Case
– (p1, q1, p2), (p1, q1, q2), (p2, q2, p1), and (p2, q2, q1) are all collinear and
– the x-projections of (p1, q1) and (p2, q2) intersect
– the y-projections of (p1, q1) and (p2, q2) intersect
★ So, We can't Find 9th Section of 37
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