Math, asked by ayushvkulal2006, 21 hours ago

Some body find correct answer for my question if your are expert in maths.

[ab and bc is 5.5cm not 4.5 or other.

angle A, C, D are 100degree not 60 degree or other.]

Q1: Construct quadrilateral abcd: ab = 5.5cm , bc = 5.5cm , Angle A = 100 degree, Angle C = 100 degree, Angle d = 100 degree.

[Answer it fast please

Please I need How to construct this quadrilateral​.

dont give rubbish answers, If you cant answer it and if you know correct answer you can post in next question of mine.

I will post the same question again and again if i didn't get the correct answer, You can also anwer in that if you know the answer.] ​


Answered by Anonymous



Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Draw a rough diagram of a quadrilateral you need to construct.

Step 2: Draw a line segment AB of 5.5 cm.

Step 3: Make angle 60° on B and 100° on A.

Step 4: Take line BC of 5.5 cm.

Step 5: Make 100° on C and where line A and C intersects calls it as point D.

Step 6: Measure angle D whether it is 100° or not .

if yes then your construction is correct.

Step 7: your Quadrilateral ABCD is ready.

But it doesn't mean I 'm expert in Maths :)

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