Some lines on hemant ritu in sanskrit language.
Me too have got this question as homework,so I am sharing what I am going to write as answer.
Hope it helps you..,...
1500 years ago, the great classical poet Kaalidaas composed a lyrical poem entitled Ritu-Sanhaar in the Sanskrit language. Ritu-Sanhaar means the classification of seasons. Kaalidaas split the year into six seasons. Season indicates Ritu. The six springs are Greeshm Ritu, Varsha Ritu, Sharad Ritu, Hemant Ritu, Shishir Ritu, and Vasant Ritu. Over the times, I must record my views of nature including flowers, trees, birds, celebrations and social activities in India. Arts on seasons (Ritu Sanhaar paintings) in this range represent some peculiarities as defined by Kaalidaas and unusual as recognised by me. This Indian fall art imitates Hemant Ritu (Pre-Winter Season) in which the areas are loaded with dew and freeze, and the Sarus Cranes are screaming with joy to charm the companion. The green tree leaves are now adapting maroon, golden, and yellow before scattering. A small affordable and comfortable painting, reaching near to the kind of complex art, it can be swung commonly with vk-246
To learn more:
i)short essay on hemant ritu in hindi language -
ii)Few lines on hemant ritu in english -