English, asked by Reefire, 5 hours ago

Some of these sentences are right, but some of them need a/an. Put in a/an where necessary. Write ok if the sentence is already correct.

1. I have not got watch.

2. Do you like cheese?

3. Reena never wears hat.

4. Are you looking for job?

5. Madhu does not eat meat.

6. She eats apple every day.

7. I am going to party tonight.

8. Music is wonderful thing.

9. Jamaica is island.

10. I don't need key.

11. Everybody needs food.

12. I have good idea.

13. Can you drive car?

14. Do you want cup of coffee?

15. I don't like coffee without milk.

16. Don't go out without umbrella.​


Answered by venisamruthi605


There are two types of articles:- definite article (the) and indefinite articles (a, an). We usually use indefinite articles first to mention a person or a thing. By doing so, we don’t have to be clear about which particular person or thing we are referring to. When we refer to the same person or thing again, we use the definite article the to indicate the person or thing already mentioned. There are times when we don’t have to use any one of the articles. Such non-use of the article is called zero articles.

We use “the’:

only before person, place or thing:-the Pope, the President of India, the North Pole, the earth, the sky.

before names of famous buildings:-the Red Fort, the Great Wall of China, The Taj Mahal

before a singular noun that refers to a whole class or group of people or things the middle class, the homeless, the Hindus, the Sikhs

before special names of rivers, seas, oceans, mountain ranges, groups of islands the Nile, the Dead Sea, the Andaman and Nicobar islands, the Himalayas.

before names of holy books The Ramayana, The Gita

before names of newspapers and magazines The Tribune, The India Today

before superlative degree of adjectives the best, the greatest

before heavenly bodies the moon, the sun, the earth, the sky

before abbreviations the UK, the ICICI

before name of inventions Who invented the aeroplane?

Omission of ‘The’:

‘The’ is not used

before proper nouns Sunday, Delhi, Volkswagan, Rita Tiwari

before abstract nouns Man is Mortal.

before names of meals I am very fond of eating Rice and Dal.

before names of parts of body and clothing Show me your fingers.

before name of languages English, Hindi, Chinese

before name of games I love to play football.

We use ‘a’:

when we mention something for the first time I saw a dog.

before a word which begins with a consonant There is a woman waiting for you.

before a word with a long sound of u a university, a uniform, a useful book, a European, a unique.

before the word one because one sounds as if it begins with a W (wun) a one way street, a one-eyed monster, a one-year course, a one-week holiday, etc.

The indefinite article a also means one. We can use ‘a’ or ‘one’ as follow:

He keeps a/one dozen snakes as pets.

I have told you a/one hundred times to leave me alone!

We use an

before a noun which begins with a vowel sound They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

before a singular noun (person or thing) to mean only one in quantity She’s an only child.

before a noun that is representative of a group, species, etc An ostrich has only two toes on each foot.

before a noun that begins with a silent h an hour, an honest man, an heir, an honour, an honourable man, etc.

before abbreviations, some of which begin with a consonant an MP, an SP, an X-ray.

Omission of ‘A’ and ‘An’

A and An are not used with

before plural nouns dogs, chairs, trousers, pants

before abstract nouns gold, advice, patience, loyalty

before names of meals Brunch shall be served at 12.00 O’clock.

before proper names Mohit, Diwali, Cricket

In certain idiomatic expressions and special phrases by bus, on foot, in bed, at dinner, go home, etc.

mark as brainliest



Answered by InZane


1. I haven't got a watch.





6. She eats an apple every day

7. It is correct both way. Maybe its the first option you want (I am going to a party tonight)&(I am going to party tonight)

8. Music is a wonderful thing.

9. Jamaica is an island.

10. I don't need a key.

11. ok

12. I have a good idea.

13. Can you drive a car?

14. Do you want a cup of coffee?


16. Don't go out without an umbrella.

Hope it helps.


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