Some ores are given.
a) Bauxite Al 2O3 .2H2O b) Zinc Blende ZnS
c) Tin Stone SnO2 d)Haematite Fe2 O3
Which of the above ore is roasted?
Which is the method used to concentrate tinstone?
B) Zinc Blende undergo Roasting as it is a SULPHIDE ORE.
ZnS + O2 —> ZnO + SO2
Ore of Tin is called Cassiterite, it is a tin oxide mineral having formula SnO2.
For concentration firstly heavier impurities such as sand , mud ,oil ,metallic impurities are removed by enrichment of ore methods like hydraulic washing, metallic separation, froth floatation.
Since, Cassiterite or tinstone is already in a oxidative state so it directly undergoes reduction by the help of carbon.
Finer impurities are removed by electrolytic refining. Here impure metal is taken as anode, pure metal at cathode and acidified salt solution of metal as Electrolytic solution.
And finally Pure metal is extracted .
sulphide ores are roasted
so zinc blende is roasted
magnetic separation method is used to separate casseterite