some student's continue to litter the classroom during
lunch break despite repeated warning by the class monitor.discuss with your partner. with follow up question.
why not try too............?
is true way........might help?
how does...........affect.....?will...........change if..........?
This is an ASL prompt for speaking task 3. You can say the
following lines or something similar in your discussion for the prompt:
Candidate A: Well, this littering problem is quite a common sight in our
country, and our class students are no exception. I just wonder why people
litter and waste so much food!
Candidate B: My heart pains when I see so many students throwing their
unconsumed food in the class dustbin. This is not only the wastage of national
food resources, but also very unhygienic for the class! Sometimes, the maids
omit to clean the dustbins, this causes a lot of putrid smell in the class.
Besides, the rotting food attracts flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, etc, which
are carriers of germs and dangerous bacteria.
Candidate A: How dirty our class looks after the break as if it is a dumping
yard! This throwing of litter and food also encourages other students to follow
suit. How will our parents feel when they come to know that the food cooked by
them with so much of love, affection, and labour is thrown so unthinkingly?
Candidate B: of course they will be hurt! We must do something to stop this
flagrant wastage of food! What are our options? I think we should do something
to prevent this littering and wasting.
Candidate A: Yes, I agree with you. We can do much in this regard. We can bring
the issue to our class teacher's notice. If you feel it right, we can even go
to the principal. What do you say?
Candidate B: We don't need go to the principal straightaway. Class teacher will
do first. We can talk to our classmates ourselves on the issue and reason with
them about the negative effects of this littering and wastage. Most of them
will surely listen to us.
Candidate A: Yes, we can also have some posters on 'Stop Littering' or ‘Keep
our Class Clean’ put up in the class, which will serve as reminders to the
Candidate B: Very bright idea. We can also request our school counselor to give
a seminar on class cleanliness in which she can specifically talk about
class-litter problem and teach students how to maintain cleanliness even during
the break.
Student A: If in spite of all these measures our classmates don’t mend their ways, we will seek the principal’s intervention.
Student B: Let's go to the class teacher and start working on the mission.