someone answer.. uses of coal products like coal tar coal gas and coke.. follow me plsss
Man has used coal for hundreds of years, though wood and charcoal were used long before coal was even known to exist. The Romans and Greeks were probably the earliest users of coal as a domestic fuel. But it has gained importance only after Industrial Revolution.
Since Industrial Revolution coal has enjoyed complete dominance in the world energy scenario till the discovery of petroleum and other sources of power. But still coal contributes about 25 per cent of global energy demand.
Coal is used for various purposes, its major uses are:
(i) Coal as a source of steam energy:
Coal is the major source of steam energy since Industrial Revolution. At that time, most of the machines were run on coal-based energy. Railway locomotives and ship engines used coal as the only source of energy. Factory boilers also used coal as a source of fuel.
(ii) As a source of electrical energy:
In developing countries like India, China, Malaysia, etc., coal produces thermal power. Coal gas – an important product of coal — is widely used to produce electricity. Among the various uses of coal, thermal power generation is the most important.
(iii) Domestic fuel:
In cooler regions, where room heating is necessary, coal is very useful. In under-developed and developing countries of Asia and Africa, coal still provides bulk of the fuel in domestic cooking. Use of coal for this purpose is now being reduced.
(iv) Metallurgical coke:
Coke is a prime requisite in iron and steel industry. Location of iron and steel plants were earlier guided by the presence of coal mines as huge amount of coal were required in the plants. Despite growing use of electricity in place of coal, coal is important in many steel-based industries — even today.
(v) Chemical industries:
Coal provides numerous raw materials to chemical industries. Important chemical raw materials include benozle, sulphate of ammonia, coal tar, coal gas, creozote, etc.
(vi) By-products of coal:
Coal is also a source of several by-products, such as ammonium sulphate, coke, tab, saccharin, authrancene, naphthalene, benzene, toluene, praxylene, phenol, pyridine, etc. All these products are useful in chemical industry as well as for other purposes.
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