English, asked by garimajain, 11 months ago

speach on one act of kindness in the world


Answered by umasubafs

It costs you nothing to be kind, but it pays a lot. It's the highest paying job in the world. It rewards you in plenty of ways.

How many of you gave a coin or a dollar bill to the needy guy on the streets and did not feel good about themselves? How many of you regret ever being kind to a genuine man in need? I can confidently say none.

Kindness is a behavior marked by ethical characteristics, a pleasant disposition, and concern for others, as defined by Wikipedia.

Someone once told me "Integrity is doing what you are supposed or purposed to do even when no one is watching" I know, you must be wondering what integrity has to do with kindness, well it goes unsaid, be kind to everyone, even when nobody is watching. Treat everyone with the same amount of kindness, be it the janitor or the queen, they are all human beings with the same capacity, what makes them different, is their position of power.

I write this today because, I have been touched, I have aimlessly spent my morning on you tube watching several videos on people doing random acts of kindness in the name of being kind. It tagged on my heart, and now I have a paused video waiting for me to finish, but this particular video broke me down to tears. https://youtu.be/3udl28R3yIA

Is kindness some type of ability of skill other people are born with and others are not? cause I can say I have been kind, but not too kind, I have walked past people on the streets asking for money countless of times, without thinking twice or even looking back.

I have come to realize the true meaning of kindness, well as I perceive it, it begins with the mere thought of thinking of someone who has been considered unimportant, be it health-wise, financial-wise, you name it. Then again, it proceeds to the thought of how you can make this certain someone's inability, become recognized and perceived as important, to you as an individual or to the world as a whole. Then the next process, is to make that change in this certain someone's life from being unimportant to important either to you as individual or the the world as a whole. This process involves you going out of your way to think of someone else's needs and making these needs seem like your own and acting upon them.

When we do random acts of kindness, we show care and compassion towards others, and with even the smallest acts of kindness, we can change the world, one act at a time.

Let's not make kindness about being noticed, let's make it about feeling good about ourselves in the long run, you do not have to own a charity organization to be noticed as kind, not that there is anything wrong with that, one day you can decide to do it anonymously, in a small will. The rewards of kindness, comes in big packages, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday.

Let us make it a daily goal, to go out of our way to be at least kind to one person genuinely in need of it

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