CBSE BOARD XII, asked by chhimwalpriya001, 1 year ago

Specify the role of heredity and environment on the development of an adolescent girl who lives in a remote village.


Answered by arsh122100


Heredity and Environment:

The knowledge of heredity and environment has a great influence on human development. Human development is the product of both heredity and environment. The development pattern of the children is determined by both heredity and environment.

As per the developmental pattern of the children the educational pattern, methods and learning environment should be made by the teacher in the teaching-learning situation. So the knowledge of heredity and environment helps the teacher in various ways which are discussed hereunder.

i. Knowledge of heredity and environment helps the teacher to know the varying needs and abilities of the children.

ii. It helps to provide proper guidance to his children in the field of educational, vocational and personal.

iii. It helps the teacher to classify the students as gifted, normal or slow learner and arrange different types of education for them.

iv. It helps the teacher to provide better learning environment in the school.

v. It helps the teacher to know the principle of individual differences and arrange the educational experience accordingly.

hope it helps you ♥️

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