speech about past , present , future
This is a speech that is about your identity and how your identity or beliefs about yourself have changed over time.
To prepare this speech you must select three objects or artifacts from your life. One that represents your past, one that represents your present and one that represents your future. It helps if you choose a particular identity that you hold to focus on (your ethnicity, your gender, your religion) or particular role (mother, daughter, father, son, teacher, friend etc.)
For this speech you will need an introduction, body and conclusion. The main points for the speech will be your past, present and future objects. You must submit the outline of the speech to Canvas before class on the day it is due.
My expectation is that you will present the speech from the outline. This means practicing the speech and being comfortable with the outline but not READING the outline word for word for the class.
My hope is that you will be able to bring the objects to class or at least share pictures of them. It is easier to share pictures if they are printed so we can put them on our document camera quickly.