speech for asl cbse for 2 minutes topic money
We can get the goods using money.
We get money from our respective work.
Money helps us to exchange goods.
There are two famous ideologies related to money. One is materialistic and the other is spiritual. Materialism says have as much money as you want through hook or crook. The spiritualism says you can either have God or money. Even Jesus, a great Master advised his disciples to choose God’s path when confronted with the choice of opting between God and Mammon. Majority of people follow materialism. And they are not the happiest people!
The wise men of all times have advised the people in general to choose peaceful life. In the world around us, we see many affluent people who have plenty of money without peace and power; they don't enjoy life; money is of little use; the following lines describe the limits of money so beautifully:
"Money can buy you a bed but not sleep. Money can buy you a clock but not
time. Money can buy you a book but not knowledge. Money can buy you a position
but not respect. Money can buy you medicine but not health. Money can buy you
blood but not life." Similarly power is of little use without peace. Who
could have been more powerful than Hercules or Hitler? But neither of them had
peace. So in conclusion, it can be said, we should be very careful in making a
decision between money and other important things in life.
So we have to learn to handle money very carefully. It should be used exactly like a fire as a means to ends. It should never be made an end itself. As excess of fire burns the food, similarly we must not go after excess of money. Only as much as is sufficient for our needs. And most importantly, we must earn our share of money through hard work—as the saying goes ‘through the sweat of thy brow.’