Speech for being cultural captain of school
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if the culture in the school or Drama Department is right, being voted a Drama Captain (or Prefect) at your respective year level should be a prestigious and sought-after position. If it works, the system goes beyond students merely voting for the most popular student or the lead in the high school play etc., but rather for the most capable candidate.
If your school already has an established leadership system, having Drama Captains should merely be a process of adding them to the structure that already exists. But keep in mind approval for this may take several months in the school year prior.
Drama Captains should ease many of the everyday burdens for Drama teaching staff, particularly in the area of co-curricular activities so common to Drama Departments such as musicals, plays, Drama nights etc. This also applies to daytime any day-time activities run by the Drama Department in your school.
Drama Captains can assist with auditions, rehearsals, directing, run Drama clubs, promote the subject or shows among the student body, run set and prop painting sessions … basically anything but making you coffees during the day (although you could always arrange that, too!).
Here’s the list of Drama Captain responsibilities at my school:
encourage and support students who take initiatives with regard to Drama
be involved with a committee of Drama Captains at all year levels in the school that should meet on a regular basis
assist backstage and front of house for all school productions
organise in-house school Drama activities and festivals etc
assist in the publicity of all school Drama events
taking responsibility for finding and looking after props and costumes
encourage student participation in the building and painting of sets
assist in the organisation of Junior Drama Club
attend Leaders Day seminars
model appropriate standards of uniform and behaviour for the year level
Having a leadership team of Drama Captains can help operations run smoothly, promote the subject and allow students to take responsibility for various activities throughout the year
If your school already has an established leadership system, having Drama Captains should merely be a process of adding them to the structure that already exists. But keep in mind approval for this may take several months in the school year prior.
Drama Captains should ease many of the everyday burdens for Drama teaching staff, particularly in the area of co-curricular activities so common to Drama Departments such as musicals, plays, Drama nights etc. This also applies to daytime any day-time activities run by the Drama Department in your school.
Drama Captains can assist with auditions, rehearsals, directing, run Drama clubs, promote the subject or shows among the student body, run set and prop painting sessions … basically anything but making you coffees during the day (although you could always arrange that, too!).
Here’s the list of Drama Captain responsibilities at my school:
encourage and support students who take initiatives with regard to Drama
be involved with a committee of Drama Captains at all year levels in the school that should meet on a regular basis
assist backstage and front of house for all school productions
organise in-house school Drama activities and festivals etc
assist in the publicity of all school Drama events
taking responsibility for finding and looking after props and costumes
encourage student participation in the building and painting of sets
assist in the organisation of Junior Drama Club
attend Leaders Day seminars
model appropriate standards of uniform and behaviour for the year level
Having a leadership team of Drama Captains can help operations run smoothly, promote the subject and allow students to take responsibility for various activities throughout the year
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